


Centre for Forest Interdisciplinary Research

Selected Publications

Bullock, R. & J. Lawler (2015) Community forestry research in Canada: A bibliometric perspective. Forest Policy and Economics 59: 47-55. 

Bullock, R. and M. Reed (2016) Towards an Integrated System of Communities and Forests in Canada. In S. Teitelbaum (Ed.), Community Forestry in Canada: Drawing Lessons from Policy and Practice. UBC Press.

Boerchers, M., Fitzpatrick, P., Storie, C., & G. Hostetler (2016) Reinvention through regreening: Examining environmental change in Sudbury, Ontario. The Extractive Industries and Society 3(3), 793-801 doi:

Casson, N., Eimers, M., & S. Watmough (2014) Controls on soil nitrification and stream nitrate export at two forested catchments. Biogeochemistry 121: 355-368.

Casson, N., Eimers, M., & S. Watmough (2012) Impact of winter warming on the timing of nutrient export from forested catchments. Hydrological Processes 26: 2546-2554.

Cloutis, E., Connery, D., Clement, K., Ney M., Taylor, H., & F. Dover (1996) Development of an education/training curriculum in remote sensing and geographic information systems for First Nations personnel. Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Remote Sensing / 18th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing; March 25-29, 1996, Vancouver, BC, Canada pp. 30-33.

Cloutis, E., Connery, D., Alexander, N., Edwards N., & F. Dover (1995) Mapping spruce bark beetle damage in the Fort Nelson, B.C. Forest District using airborne multispectral imagery. Proceedings of the 17th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing; June 13-15, 1995, Saskatoon, SK, Canada pp. 629-634.

Czenze, Z. & C. Willis (2015) Warming up and shipping out: Cues for arousal and emergence in hibernating little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 185:575-586.

Enanga, E., Creed, I., Casson, N., & F. Beall (2016) Summer storms trigger soil N2O efflux episodes in forested catchments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121: 95–108.

Fitzpatrick, P. & J. Sinclair (2016). Multi-jurisdictional environmental assessment in Canada. In K. Hanna (Ed.), Environmental impact assessment:  Process and practice, 3rd ed., Toronto, ON, Canada: Oxford University Press pp. 182-197.

Kames, S., Tardif, J. & Y. Bergeron (2016) Continuous earlywood vessels chronologies in floodplain ring-porous species can improve dendrohydrological reconstructions of spring high flows and flood levels. Journal of Hydrology 534:377 - 389.

Kruzelecky, R., Wong, B., Zou, J., Jamroz, W., Sloan, J., & E. Cloutis (2008) Guided-wave high-performance spectrometers for the MEOS Miniature Earth Observing Satellite. International Conference on Space Optics (ICSO) 2008; October 14-17, 2008, Toulouse, France.

Lawler, J. & R. Bullock (2017) A case for Indigenous community forestry. Journal of Forestry.

Lemmen, D., Johnston, M., Ste.-Marie, C., & T. Pearce (2014) Natural Resources.  In: F.J. Warren and D.S. Lemmen, (Ed). Canada in a Changing Climate: Sector Perspectives on Impacts and Adaptation. Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON pp. 66-98.

Park, A (2015) Carbon storage and stand conversion in a pine-dominated boreal forest landscape. Forest Ecology and Management 340:70-81.

Park, A., Puettmann, K., Wilson, E., Messier, C., Kames, S., & Dhar, A. (2014) Can boreal and temperate forest management be adapted to the uncertainties of 21st century climate change? Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 33(4): 251-285.

Park, A. & E. Wilson (2007) Beautiful plantations: can intensive silviculture help Canada to fulfill ecological and timber production objectives? Forestry Chronicle 83(6): 825-839.

Reed, M., Scott, A., Natcher, D., & M. Johnston (2014) Linking gender, climate change, adaptive capacity and forest-based communities in Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44: 995–1004.

Tardif, J., Cornelsen, S., Conciatori, F., Hodgin, E., & M. Pellatt (2016) Fire Regime in Marginal Jack Pine Populations at Their Southern Limit of Distribution, Riding Mountain National Park, Central Canada. Forests, 7, 219.

Qualtiere, E. & M. Johnston (2014) Simulation modeling to address climate change vulnerability and adaptation planning in a Saskatchewan forest ecosystem. In: S. Lac, M. McHenry and S. Kulshreshtha, (Eds) Forestry Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge NY USA pp. 17-34 

Waito, J., Girardin, M., Tardif, J., Hély, C., Blarquez, O., & A. Ali (2015) Fire and climate: using the past to predict the future. In Peh, K.S.-H.; Corlett, R.T.; Bergeron, Y., (Eds) Routledge Handbook of Forest Ecology, Routledge pp. 473-487

Webber, Q., Brigham, R., Park, A., Gillam, E., O'Shea, T., & C. Willis (2016) Social network characteristics and predicted pathogen dynamics in summer colonies of female big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 70:701-712.

Wilcox, A. & C. Willis (2016) Energetic benefits of enhanced summer roosting habitat for little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) recovering from white-nose syndrome. Conservation Physiology. 4:cov070.