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New Member Feature Salam Al Sayed

Salam Al SayedSalam Al Sayed is the new Research Assistant for CRiCS. She is a Master of Arts student in the Cultural Studies (Texts & Cultures) program at the University of Winnipeg. She graduated with a Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Manitoba in 2016. She currently works as a Team Leader in the Families and Schools Together Program at Family Dynamics and has worked with youth and families in local schools and non-profit organizations for the past five years. Her scholarly interests include Critical Race Theory and intersectional feminism, media theory, pop culture, trauma and wellness, postcolonial theory, and diaspora studies.

Learn more about Salam from the short interview we conducted with her below:

CRiCS: What brought you to academia and, more specifically, Cultural Studies?
Salam: After four years of growing my Social Work career in the Winnipeg social service sector, I realized I was ready to explore enhancing my education. I was looking for a field where I could grow intellectually, develop my writing skills, and be constantly challenged on different levels. During my search, I came across the MA of Cultural Studies program at the University of Winnipeg and was intrigued by Cultural Studies' interdisciplinarity and interest in examining the interplay of power in society. 

CRiCS: What are your areas of research interest?
Salam: My research interests evolve as I am introduced to topics and theories in different courses. But so far, I have been intrigued by postcolonial theory (with a focus on diaspora studies and the Middle East), intersectional feminism, the intersection of personal and collective experiences of trauma, media theory, and popular culture. Not in any particular order! 

CRiCS: What do you hope to gain from your time in Cultural Studies and as a student member of CRiCS?
Salam: My time in the MA of Cultural Studies program and CRiCS has been beyond rewarding as I have had the opportunity to attend Research Talks, build meaningful connections, practice writing, and unpack contributions of different scholars to the project of Cultural Studies. I have found the program to be structured yet flexible, which has allowed me to gain a foundation in Cultural Theory while focusing on area-specific interests. I hope to continue engaging with a combination of these things. 

CRiCS: What do you do in your free time (if you have any!)? Do you have any hobbies or pets?
Salam: In my free time, I am usually either indulging in a vanilla latte (hot or iced), shopping for skincare, or connecting with family and friends.

See more from Salam by checking out Salam's POV, a blog reflecting on CRiCS programming and events.