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Upper Level Courses: 3000-Level

CJ-3107 Criminal Justice and the Media:
This course critically examines the depiction of the criminal justice system in the media, including television, film, print and the Internet. Key research findings and theoretical approaches to studying criminal justice in the media are discussed. Implications for policy, public opinion and the operation of the agencies of the criminal justice system are examined.
Prerequisite: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6 and CJ-2100/3.
CJ-3107 Course Syllabus [PDF]

CJ-3117 Crime Careers:
This course will examine a selection of criminal careers, focusing on a variety of dimensions. Specifically, criminal careers will be examined with respect to degree, frequency and progression of criminal involvement; seriousness of the offence, public reaction to the offence; legal responses and criminal processing. The types of crimes to be examined include conventional crime (such as theft or vandalism), violent crime, political crime, organized crime, occupational crime and professional crime.
Prerequisite: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6 & CJ-2100/3.
CJ-3117 Course Syllabus [PDF]

CJ-3121 Race and the Criminal Justice System:
This course examines definitions of "race" and racism, and explores different ways of theorizing their relationship to law, criminal justice, and criminological knowledge. The course uses empirical cases in policing, sentencing, corrections, border control, and policy-making in order to explore the particular dynamics of race, the law, and criminal justice in Canada. It includes a focus on relationships between ongoing colonialism, immigration policy, the criminal justice system, and the large scale imprisonment of indigenous people and people of colour in Canada. It also considers policy and social movement responses to racism in the criminal justice system.
Prerequisite: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6 & CJ-2100/3.
CJ-3121 Course Syllabus [PDF]

CJ-3122 Criminal Intelligence Analysis:
This course examines criminal intelligence analysis in Canadian law enforcement. Skills, techniques, and challenges in the field of intelligence analysis are addressed. Specific topics include intelligence-led policing, tactical and strategic intelligence, and ethical issues. Investigations and case studies are used to facilitate comprehension of course concepts and their practical application.
Prerequisites: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6, CJ-2120/3.

CJ-3130 Criminal Procedure:
This course surveys critical legal issues in the Canadian criminal procedure with an emphasis placed on investigation. The course considers the relevant Criminal Code sections, constitutional provisions, common law rules and recent case law as they relate to the powers of search and seizure, electronic surveillance, charging, arrest and detention, interrogation, and an accused's right to counsel and silence. The course analyzes what constitutional, common law and statutory remedies an accused can seek when evidence is obtained improperly or there has been abuse of police or prosecutorial powers. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of other pre-trial phenomena including bail. Prerequisites: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6, CJ-2130/3.
CJ-3130 Course Syllabus [PDF]

CJ-3184 Surveillance, Information, and Criminal Justice:
This course provides students with a critically informed understanding of surveillance in Canada. A main goal is to explore concepts and develop skills to engage with claims about surveillance and related topics such as policing. Students learn to define surveillance, information, and the relationship of surveillance to the nation-state as well as policing. With focus on empirical examples from the realm of criminal justice, students critically assess recent theoretical statements made concerning surveillance: (a) Foucault's panopticism, (b) Mathiesen's synopticism, (c) Deleuze's control societies, and (d) Haggerty/Ericson's surveillant assemblages.
Restrictions: Instructor Permission Required.
Requisite Courses: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6 and CJ-2100.

 CJ-3201 Comparative Crime and Criminal Justice:
This course examines crime and criminal justice in cross cultural and cross national perspective. Specific attention is given to the history, develpment and current operation of criminal justice systems within socialist, civil, common and Islamic legal traditions. Specific topics for comparative examination include criminal law, policing, courts, corrections and youth justice. Current issues in transnational crime are examined.
Prerequisite: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6, CJ-2100/3.
CJ-3201 Course Syllabus [PDF]

CJ-3204 Crime Prevention:
This course explores the history and development of perspectives on crime and crime prevention and critically examines the theoretical approaches within the field. The course also focuses on contemporary spatial perspectives on crime prevention. Perspectives from disciplines such as geography, criminology, city planning and architecture are used to analyze the relationship between crime, fear and space. Specific situational and physical environmental strategies of crime prevention are discussed.
Prerequisite: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6, CJ-2100/3.
CJ-3204 Course Syllabus [PDF]

CJ-3205 Professional Ethics in Criminal Justice:
This course focuses on understanding and dealing with ethical issues that arise in the criminal justice system. Different theoretical perspectives will be used to explore the social and organizational processes that lead to corruption and abuse of power, systemic discrimination, and illegal behaviour by criminal justice practitioners. The use of case studies will provide a realistic picture not only of what ethical questions arise in the criminal justice system, but also of how sound moral decisions are made in response to them.
Prerequisite: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6, CJ-2100/3.
CJ-3205 Course Syllabus [PDF]

CJ-3223 Green Criminology:
This course examines the history and contemporary nature of 'green' (environmental) criminology harms as well as the diverse strategies developed to protect the environment. It explores the way in which governments, transnational corporations, military apparatuses, and ordinary people going about their everyday activities routinely harm the environment, ecology and animals. Topics include the social construction of environmental problems, pollution, illegal disposal of waste, animal rights, the prosecution of specific environmental offences, the regulation of environmental activities, environmental risk, and transnational offences.
Cross-listed: SOC-3223/3.
Prerequisites: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6 or SOC-1101/3.

 CJ-3233 Green Justice:
This course examines inequalities across race, gender, class and locality in relation to environmental problems such as toxic waste disposal, air pollution, climate change, deforestation, and environmental disasters. It also examines the response to these inequalities in the form of local and global movements, protests, and politics. Topics include: the history of green justice; how green
justices are created; differential exposure to environmental risks; the impact of green inequalities and the various responses to green injustices.
Cross-listed: SOC-3233/3.
Prerequisites: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6 or SOC-1101/6.

CJ-3400 Selected Topics in Criminal Justice:
This course studies specific topics in Criminal Justice at the third year level. Students should consult the department regarding potential offerings in a given year.
Prerequisites: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6, CJ-2100/3.

CJ-3444 Gender and the Criminal Justice System:
This course explores Canadian criminal justice practices through  a gendered lens. Students examine how gender contours our understanding of crime, its construction, and representation. Students examine the link between gender and surveillance, correction, legality, punishment, criminalization, and discipline found in criminal justice practices. The course utilizes feminist legal frameworks, historical and contemporary criminological, sociological, and political perspectives on gender and the system of justice. The primary focus is an examination of an intersectional approach to assess how the law structures and is structured by social contexts and social inequalities, including race, class, and sexuality.
Restrictions: Instructor Permission Required.
Prerequisites: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6, CJ-2100/3.

CJ-3470 Forensic Psychology:
This course examines ways that psychological principles can inform understand  of and practices in the criminal justice system (i.e., law enforcement, courts, corrections). Topics to be covered include: detection of deception, eyewitness testimony, legal decision-making, juries, mental illness in court, risk assessment, psychopathology, and corrections. Research on psychological factors in the criminal justice system and field practices are emphasized.
Cross-listed: PSYC-3470/3.
Prerequisites: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6 and CJ-2101/3 or PSYC-1000/6, PSYC-2101/3 and PSYC-2101/3 or SOC-2125/3 and SOC-2126/3.
CJ-3470 Course Syllabus [PDF]

CJ-3500 Interpersonal Violence:
This course utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to examining interpersonal violence as a critical and complex social issue. Specific types of interpersonal violence to be covered include child abuse and neglect, child sexual violence, spousal abuse, elder abuse, date rape and other forms of intimate sexual and physical violence. The course includes a comprehensive examination of theoretical perspectives regarding the nature and origins of interpersonal violence as well as a critical examination of the effectiveness of the mental health, child welfare, and criminal justice systems approach to interpersonal violence prevention, intervention, and policy.
Prerequisites: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6 and CJ-2100/3.
CJ-3500 Course Syllabus [PDF]

CJ-3800 Criminal Justice Field Placement:
This course places students in a criminal justice or human services agency. Students provide service to the community while gaining the benefit of practitioner experience. The course instructor will assist students in applying lessons leaned in the class room to their respective placements through structured class discussion, reflective journals and a library paper assignment.
Prerequisites: CJ-1002/3 or the former CJ-1101/6 and CJ-2100/3 AND written permission from the department.

Please note: CJ-3800 will not be offered in the 2024-25 academic year - Contact the department Chair for more information.

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