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Applicability to Common University Activities

This page details the applicability of CASL to common University activities and should be viewed along with the CASL FAQs and other available resources. Not all activities are included. If you have any doubts regarding the applicability of CASL to a proposed activity, contact the Data Privacy and Compliance Office before proceeding.

It is also important to review every message before sending and watch for "mixed-purpose" messages. This is where the primary purpose of the message is not commercial but some commercial content is also included, such as an advertisement, logo, or link for a commercial product or service in an otherwise non-commercial message. This is now a "mixed-purpose" message and CASL may apply.

Activities To Which CASL Does Not Apply

Communicating with employees, students, alumni, and third parties regarding:

  • Coursework, exams, registration, and scheduling
  • Employment opportunities at UWinnipeg
  • Student recruitment and promotion of UWinnipeg-run course or program offerings
  • Lectures, exhibitions, conferences, and performances on UWinnipeg premises that are primarily educational / research in nature
  • Non-commercial research and teaching activities of UWinnipeg employees and students
  • Other non-commercial University activities (be mindful of "mixed-purpose" messages)

Activities To Which CASL Does Apply

Communicating with employees, students, alumni and third parties regarding:

  • The sale of goods or services not related to core UWinnipeg educational / research activities (such as branded apparel, memorabilia, other merchandise, etc.)
  • The sale of tickets for professional arts productions, conferences, concerts, or other events that are not primarily educational / research in nature or that are co-sponsored by third parties
  • Third-party book launches, film screenings, album releases, or similar events with sponsorship, where admission is charged, or where goods or services may be offered for sale
  • Non-student hospitality, facility rental, housing, and parking services
  • Certain fundraising activities
  • Licensing and commercialization of research
  • Third-party organizations, via logos or links to third party websites, or through direct promotion of third party goods or services