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Country: Cambodia
Secondary School Credential: Baccalauréat
Secondary School Grade: C
University or College Transfer Grade: 6.5
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Cameroon
Secondary School Credential: Baccalaureate or General Certificate of Education with a minimum of two subjects at Advanced level
Secondary School Grade:  12/20 or C average
University or College Transfer Grade: 12
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Cape Verde
Secondary School Credential: Certificado da Habilitacoes Literarias
Secondary School Grade: Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
University or College Transfer Grade:
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Cayman Islands
Secondary School Credential:  Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) diploma with a minimum of two 2-Unit subjects  at the CAPE Advanced Level plus CSEC. 
Also considered CSEC plus two years of college/university at an accredited school.
School copies will not be accepted - results must be issued by the Caribbean Examinations Council.
Secondary School Grade: IV (with no mark below V)
University or College Transfer Grade: 3.0 or B
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Central African Republic
Secondary School Credential: Diplôme du Baccalauréat/ Attestation & Relevé de notes (Academic Transcripts)
Secondary School Grade:  10/20
University or College Transfer Grade: Honorable or 10-11
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Chad
Secondary School Credential: Diplôme du Baccalauréat/ Attestation & Relevé de notes (Academic Transcripts)
Secondary School Grade:  12
University or College Transfer Grade: 12
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Chile
Secondary School Credential: Licencia de Education Media i
Secondary School Grade:  Minimum 5 average (Licencia de Education Media in the Humanistic-Scientific branch), or minimum 4 average (examination Prueba de Aptitud Academica)
University or College Transfer Grade: 5
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: China, People's Republic of
Secondary School Credential: Upper Middle School Graduation Certificate along with applicant’s ID Number and Report Number for verification with China Credentials Verification (CSSD). High school transcript is also required.
Secondary School Grade:  70%
Post-Secondary Document Requirements: Transfer and Second Degree applicants are required to submit their transcript and graduation certificates, along with applicant’s ID Number and Report Number for verification with China Credentials Verification (CSSD).
University or College Transfer Grade: 70 or C
English Language: See acceptable tests.
Please note: Vocational/technical high school not accepted.

Country: Colombia
Secondary School Credential: Título de Bachiller Académico, Bachillerato (Baccalaureate)
Secondary School Grade:  7.5
University or College Transfer Grade: 3.5 or Bueno
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Comoros
Secondary School Credential: Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement du Second Degré
Secondary School Grade:  Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
University or College Transfer Grade: Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC)
Secondary School Credential: Diplôme ďEtat ďEtudes Secondaires du Cycle Long, Diplôme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires/Attestation
Secondary School Grade:  12 or 70%
University or College Transfer Grade: 12 or 70%
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Congo, Republic of the
Secondary School Credential:
Secondary School Grade: 
University or College Transfer Grade: 12
English Language:
See acceptable tests.

Country: Costa Rica
Secondary School Credential: Bachiller en Educación Media/ Técnico Medio/ Diploma de Conclusión de Estudios de Educación Diversificada & Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones. First year at a recognized university in the same country
Secondary School Grade: 80
University or College Transfer Grade: 7/10; 70-79%
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Cote D'Ivoire
Secondary School Credential: Baccalaureat
Secondary School Grade:  12/20
University or College Transfer Grade: 12/20 or 3
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Croatia
Secondary School Credential: Secondary School Leaving Certificate
Secondary School Grade:  3
University or College Transfer Grade: 3
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Cuba
Secondary School Credential: Preuniversitario or Bachillerato
Secondary School Grade:  75%
University or College Transfer Grade: 70% or Bueno
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Curaçao
Secondary School Credential: Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs Certificate
Secondary School Grade: 7/10
University or College Transfer Grade: Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Cyprus
Secondary School Credential: Lise Diplomasi or Apolyterion from Lykion
Secondary School Grade: 7.0 or 75%
University or College Transfer Grade: 65% or B
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Czech Republic
Secondary School Credential: Maturity Certificate - Maturitni Vysvedceni 
Secondary School Grade:  3/5; Dobre (Good)
University or College Transfer Grade: 3
English Language: See acceptable tests.